Since summer is coming and spring is leaving, we are preparing for it to be one of the worst summers in a while, told by newspapers and scientists. This past spring was a much warmer spring than the past ten years. We have to prepare for this and make sure all of our young are out of danger and away from the sides of glaciers. Before global warming, summers used to be great for the young penguins because the ice would be a little slushy and they would slide down the glaciers safely. But since the ice is melting, during the summer there is too much slush, which can cause a big piece of a glacier to fall off. Last year was very upsetting, because a giant sheet off ice broke off that was the size of Rhode Island! It was very upsetting for all, and some we even lost a few penguin family members.
This situation is all caused by the humans, with all the CO2 put in the air, from the giant cars they drive, the big factories polluting the air, and water being poisoned by big companies dumping waste into the ocean; all this effects us very much. There is also a lot more that is the cause of our global warming. It has been proven that those big smoke stacks that the humans’ use is made for coal burning, and other types of fuels. All the smoke is put out into the atmosphere creating CO2 that pollutes our air, and destroys the ozone that is used for blocking the UV rays. Unfortunately UV rays can give people cancer and harsh sunburns. The polluted waters where the humans live are a problem for us, because the water over time pollutes not just their water but ours too. This affects fish, glaciers, weather, land, and our home. Because of what they are doing, affects us. We aren't polluting our waters, we just eat fish and we’re done without any waste. But humans dump trash and plastic, chemicals and waste into waters that harms all of us. I don't understand why don't stop this or help us out. Our life would be a lot better is we didn't have these problems.