Friday, May 30, 2008

Since summer is coming and spring is leaving, we are preparing for it to be one of the worst summers in a while, told by newspapers and scientists. This past spring was a much warmer spring than the past ten years. We have to prepare for this and make sure all of our young are out of danger and away from the sides of glaciers. Before global warming, summers used to be great for the young penguins because the ice would be a little slushy and they would slide down the glaciers safely. But since the ice is melting, during the summer there is too much slush, which can cause a big piece of a glacier to fall off. Last year was very upsetting, because a giant sheet off ice broke off that was the size of Rhode Island! It was very upsetting for all, and some we even lost a few penguin family members.
This situation is all caused by the humans, with all the CO2 put in the air, from the giant cars they drive, the big factories polluting the air, and water being poisoned by big companies dumping waste into the ocean; all this effects us very much. There is also a lot more that is the cause of our global warming. It has been proven that those big smoke stacks that the humans’ use is made for coal burning, and other types of fuels. All the smoke is put out into the atmosphere creating CO2 that pollutes our air, and destroys the ozone that is used for blocking the UV rays. Unfortunately UV rays can give people cancer and harsh sunburns. The polluted waters where the humans live are a problem for us, because the water over time pollutes not just their water but ours too. This affects fish, glaciers, weather, land, and our home. Because of what they are doing, affects us. We aren't polluting our waters, we just eat fish and we’re done without any waste. But humans dump trash and plastic, chemicals and waste into waters that harms all of us. I don't understand why don't stop this or help us out. Our life would be a lot better is we didn't have these problems.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

We have all found out that what our main problem to this situation. Through a lot of research and time we found out those boats that go out to sea, have been fishing and taking our fish. We didn't know that these humans eat fish, and take our fish from where we live. They come over to where we live intruding us taking everything and on top of that ruining our land. Its like they don't even know we are here, they are ignoring us, like we are nothing. We will be sure to make them know that we are here.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Today is a day where we all get together and explain about the problems that happen here. One new problem that has been added onto our list is the fish problem. Less and less fish in our water, the question is why and how? That's why we get together to find answers why this is happening. We don't know why this is. We need to find an alternative to this, or some way to fix this. We have scientists working on this problem right now figuring this out.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Today we woke up after the news about the fish in the paper, and everyone in town was gone. Everyone had left right away to get as many fish as they can possible. Everyone was freaking out about this problem. My family was starving so my wife and I went to get some fish. In the water there was lot of penguins, more than usual, and everyone was fighting over fish; it was crazy. We went into the water, "the seals have been active,” we were told by the other penguins. These seals are not finding as much fish, so they are hunting us more than before. This job is very hard and risky to do. Today we only caught three fish and usually we catch five or six. We also had to get out because of the seal problem. It was a sad day for some families because some penguins didn't return back home. This will become a bigger problem for us, our population will die down if there is no fish, and there are two reasons why. One, if there is no more fish, we can’t eat and we will die. Two, if we are hunting to find fish there will be more seals hunting us because there will be no fish for them to eat. Somehow we need to find a solution to this problem.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Bad news in the Paper

My good friend Robert the Polar Bear, came over to show me something the other day, his voice seemed to be much different than before, and he sounded upset and disturbed. He knocked on the door, and there he was standing there with a newspaper in his hand. He handed it to me, I read the title, "Fish Becoming Extinct?" I was shocked, I couldn't believe it, and it was very surreal to me. I kept telling myself "no this can't be right.” My family and I discussed this sad situation we have. We always had tons of fish; we even had a newspaper saying "too many fish, may cause a problem." That night we all had a very hard time going to sleep just thinking about what is going to happen in our future; no food. Between global warming and other problems in our world, now, we all have a big situation to worry about. We penguins in our society have to find a solution about this dire situation and fast. Other wise, we may be extinct in near future.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I'm a penguin, my name is Earl, and I live in the southern part of Artic. Our landmass is made of ice, is melting here and almost all of the snow and ice is just about gone. Most of my polar bear friends have drowned because they became stranded on a piece of ice that drifted far away or the ice mass was too slushy for their heavy bodies to keep them above water. I really wish we could change this problem but no one seems to care or take action and help us over here. I have to go out daily and get food for my family, from breakfast to dinner. It is actually a very hard and dangerous job that I have to do to feed my family. We Penguins, as a whole group, have to go out and bring home food for our survival. Normally we travel for miles, depending upon where we find an opening in the ice. There is some good news and some bad news to this situation, but since the ice is melting we don't have to travel as far as before. The bad news is that the ice is melting faster than before, taking away our land and home, not only for penguins but also for the polar bears.