Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I'm a penguin, my name is Earl, and I live in the southern part of Artic. Our landmass is made of ice, is melting here and almost all of the snow and ice is just about gone. Most of my polar bear friends have drowned because they became stranded on a piece of ice that drifted far away or the ice mass was too slushy for their heavy bodies to keep them above water. I really wish we could change this problem but no one seems to care or take action and help us over here. I have to go out daily and get food for my family, from breakfast to dinner. It is actually a very hard and dangerous job that I have to do to feed my family. We Penguins, as a whole group, have to go out and bring home food for our survival. Normally we travel for miles, depending upon where we find an opening in the ice. There is some good news and some bad news to this situation, but since the ice is melting we don't have to travel as far as before. The bad news is that the ice is melting faster than before, taking away our land and home, not only for penguins but also for the polar bears.


Tucker Irwin Peterson said...

Maybe if you stoped whining about how hard your life is, and pulled yorself up by your bootstraps instead, you penguins would all be better off. The squeaky wheel only gets the grease when someone cares. Go whine to your friends about your lack of fish, no one will care


amanda said...

That is so upsetting about your friend the polar bear and having to find fish. People should care about the ice melting.

Robert said...

Awwwww! I feel so sad. I love penguins, and I also love the blog. Keep writing.